47 Hours of Darkness (Sucks)
(Happy Eddie Version)
Recorded in Sam's room on October 28, 2002
Big cloud squats over my home town.
Red lights flashing on my TV screen.
It just went dark... oh shoot!
I'm starting to miss my electricity.
47 hours of darkness sucks.
47 hours of darkness sucks.
47 hours of darkness sucks.
AEP is not very fast.
Took them too long to get me power.
All the food in my fridgerator's spoiled.
Dang it I gotta get new ones.
47 hours of darkness sucks.
47 hours of darkness sucks.
47 hours of darkness sucks.
A lot of cars on the highway.
Illinois is closed right now.
Dang it. Dang it. Dang it. Dang it. Dang it. Dang it..
I'm listening to talk radio!!
47 hours of darkness sucks.
47 hours of darkness sucks.
47 hours of darkness sucks.
47 hours of darkness sucks.
47 hours of darkness sucks.
47 hours of darkness sucks.
Song Info: After presenting the original version of 47 Hours... to a small group of friends, one of the friends, named Eddie, decided to give his input. He said the song would be a good song if it wasn't so gosh darn distorted. He couldn't understand a single word! Although that was the point of the song (to be distorted beyond reckognition), we decided to appease the Great Eddie and create a rendition of the song dedicated to him. They day after it was recorded we presented it to him. He totally dug it. Rock on, Eddie.